

Freshwater Nitrates

Agricultural run-off and sewage can cause water pollution and, ultimately, ecological collapse. Current remediation focuses on consequences, not causes.


Nitrate pollution from agriculture and sewage outflows is a major problem, causing serious adverse impacts on human health and the environment and, critically, contaminating freshwater resources.

Fertilisers and livestock waste causes 70% of the pollution, with human waste largely making up the rest as four fifths of global municipal wastewater is discharged untreated into water bodies. Nitrates cause eutrophication, where a body of water becomes progressively enriched with minerals and nutrients. Uncontrolled, this leads to proliferation of toxic algae, stagnation, deoxygenation, anaerobia, scum, putrid odours and, ultimately, ecological collapse.

How it works

In contrast to conventional techniques, ALGAEZAP 1’s bacterial-based treatment is slow release and tackles the issue by reducing the sludge in the bottom of the lake/pond and the excess of nutrients, avoiding the occurrence of eutrophication and consequently reducing algal blooms.


This natural solution eliminates unwanted smells, facilitates cleaning and prolongs equipment life. It is significantly better for the environment, with the only by-products being water (95%) and CO2 (5%). The small amount of CO2 released as a by-product contributes towards Carbon offset Net Zero policies as the non treatment, or the alternative treatment represent higher emissions of CO2 to the atmosphere.

This natural slow-release treatment tackles the issue at source and leaves far more environmentally friendly by-products.